System.InvalidCastException: Conversion from string "images/style.css" to type 'Double' is not valid. ---> System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format. at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions.ParseDouble(String Value, NumberFormatInfo NumberFormat) at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions.ToDouble(String Value, NumberFormatInfo NumberFormat) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions.ToDouble(String Value, NumberFormatInfo NumberFormat) at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Operators.CompareObject2(Object Left, Object Right, Boolean TextCompare) at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Operators.ConditionalCompareObjectEqual(Object Left, Object Right, Boolean TextCompare) at ClaroxanV2._default1.fillreferral() at ClaroxanV2._default1.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) Passing Your Medical - Claroxan
Crisp. Sharp. Clear.
Get Claroxan & Pass Your Medical
Take Claroxan® - Once Daily, and pass the vision portion of your aviation medical exam so you can continue doing what you love to do for years to come.

For only $49.50 per month, you'll receive a monthly shipment of Claroxan® delivered to your door with FREE SHIPPING, and as an added bonus, we'll also send you a bottle of Pure-Aid™ eye drops as our gift! These medical-grade eye drops are the perfect compliment to Claroxan® - Once Daily.

Pure-Aid™ has a triple moisturizer formula for fast and effective relief from dryness, redness and irritation. The airplane cabin is kept at 7% humidity during flight, which is drier than the Sahara Desert. Pure-Aid™ keeps your eyes moist and fresh in those conditions.

Not available in stores, these eye drops are available for a limited time only with your monthly subscription of Claroxan® - Once Daily.

Special Bonus: Optional upgrade to our Claroxan® Advanced formula for higher dosages of key ingredients. Comes with more lutein and zeaxanthin for you to achieve higher levels of contrast sensivity and glare reduction plus bilberry extract for added night vision support.* Just $10 more.

We are an A+ rated BBB accredited business with over 19 years experience in the eye health market and over 17 years serving the aviation community. If for any reason you are unsatisified with your monthly subscription please call 877 677 3937 or email to cancel anytime.
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180-Day Money Back Guarantee For All Unopened Bottles. No Questions Asked.

To cancel anytime with no further obligation call 877 677 3937 or email